Volumes 5:1 to 5:6
Volume 5:1 [more] (November 1997)
- Circling the Rings by Henry Zemel.
- Quantalism: The Big Picture by Roger Wescott.
- The Saturn Thesis (Part 4) by David Talbott.
- Stairway to Heaven by Ev Cochrane.
- The Mixtec Tree of Origin by Ken Moss.
- Testing Rohl's Test of Time by Dale Murphie.
Volume 5:2 [more] (April 1998)
- Anhydride Theory: A New Theory of How Petroleum and Coal are Generated by C. Warren Hunt.
- Pterodactyls in the Mesozoic by Fred Jueneman.
- Saturn and the Flood: The Ice-Core Evidence by Sean Mewhinney.
- Aphrodite Urania by Ev Cochrane.
- Ancient Greeks in America.
- Lucid Dreaming and
Visualization Techniques in The Sacred Tales of Aelius Aristides by David Leinweber.
The Last Supper by Dwardu Cardona.
Volume 5:3 [more] (December 1998)
- Darwin's Dangerous Idea, by Fred Jueneman
- Changing Sea Levels, by Gordon Williams
- Charting Imaginary Worlds: Pole Shifts, Ice Sheets, and Ancient Sea Kings by Sean Mewhinney
- The Female Star, by Ev Cochrane
- The Mosaic Calendar and the Sabbath, by Eric Aitchison
- After 200 years it's time to get serious about Dynasty XVIII and Thutmose III, by Dale Murphie
- The Age of Purple Darkness, by Roger Ashton
Volume 5:4 [more] (July 1999)
- Numerical Distances of Planetary Distances in a Polar Model, by Emilio Spedicato
- A Return to the Two Sargons and Their Successors, by Dwardu Cardona
- Heinsohn's "Ancient History", by Ev Cochrane
- Confessions of a Cenoist, by Henry Zemel
Volume 5:5 [more] (January 2000)
- Stellar Spectra, by Earl Milton
- Stars in an Electric Universe, by Wal Thornhill
- The Eye Goddess, by Ev Cochrane
- Typhon and the Comet of the Exodus, by Dwardu Cardona
- The "Timna" Test, by Dale Murphie
Volume 5:6 [more[ (August 2000)
- Dynamical Equilibrium of a Collinear Planetary System, by Emilio Spedicato & Antonio Del Popolo
- The Day Star, by Ev Cochrane
- Antiquated Textbooks: Rediscovering the Solar System, by Dwardu Cardona
- Thutmose III -- A Different Perspective, by Eric Aitchison
- The Use of the 7-Base Measuring System in Ancient Britain and the Continent, by Alban Wall
- Paradise: The Lost Frontier, by Gunnar Thompson